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Posts Tagged ‘European Union

Dream on South Ossetians!

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Indipendence DayImage by precariopoli via Flickr

In a world that is said to be globalized, the South Ossetians look forward to a form of small country independence as neighbors of the Russian Bear.

Optimism or delusion?

An Embattled Enclave Yearns to Be Free (and Liechtenstein) -

They’ve got mountains that look a bit like Andorra‘s, but then there are those Russian tanks and planes that are still in South Ossetia as “peace keepers”. And while Russia declares their independence, the rest of the Western world seems to think that they are a fractious part of Georgia.

Dream on South Ossetians!

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Written by BobG in Dalian & Vancouver

2008/08/29 at 07:50