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Phallic symbols in Bhutan

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Bhutan shares borders with India and China.

The image below is clear evidence that Asia offers many cultural variants that would be considered gross and completely immodest in Western cultures and maybe even in China.

Check out this link to learn how and why Bhutanese use phallic symbols to “protect” their homes.

Here is an image that is clear evidence of the use of phallic symbols on outside walls of family homes in Bhutan:

Yes, the caption says that the phallic symbols “welcome visitors” to Bhutanese homes. Is it the Himalayan mountain air that affects them?

I wonder how phallus symbols fit with use of the left and right facing svastika in Eastern cultures. No doubt politically correct fanatics will deplore these “far out” symbols but those are Western values and in this global world all symbology should have equal visibility and cultural treatment. That is my humble opinion!

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Written by BobG in Dalian & Vancouver

2011/01/08 at 17:34

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